Kategorie e-shopu

The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)
  • The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)
  • The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)
  • The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)
  • The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)
  • The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)
  • The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)

The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)

Expedice: Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů

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Kniha v angličtině.

This third in a series of hardcover books joins the award-winning titles The Stratocaster Chronicles and The Soul of Tone by author/historian Tom Wheeler. In nearly 600 pages, The Dream Factory features hundreds of full-color photos of incredibly rare, collectible, and limited-edition handcrafted guitars. Learn how the Fender Custom Shop, originally intended to employ just two master craftsmen, grew into the most prolific custom instrument shop in the music industry. Features: · Foreword by Billy F Gibbons · More than 630 images illustrating the first master builders and their humble beginnings through the many changes up to present-day operations. Includes many one-of-a-kindcustom guitar masterpieces and reproductions of acclaimed guitarists' instruments, such as Eric Clapton's Blackie, Jimi Hendrix's Monterey Strat, Stevie Ray Vaughan's No. 1, and many more. A must-have for all guitar enthusiasts! · Unprecedented view inside one of the music industry's most creative custom instrument shops, revealing how playable works of art are created · Fascinating interviews with the shop's founders, most of the first-generation Master Builders, all of the current Master Builders, other key craftspeople, sales representatives, artists' guitar techs, marketers, executives, guitarists, and many of the graphic artists, woodcarvers, jewelers, pinstripers, graffiti artists, pearl-inlay specialists, and others who have partnered with the Master Builders to create art works of stunning beauty
DOSTUPNOST Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů
Katalogové číslo HL00331976
Aranžmá Kniha v angličtině
Kód aranžmá BOOK
Médium Hudebnina
Formát Obrazová publikace
Nakladatel Hal Leonard
Počet stran 592
ISBN 9781423436980

detaily produktu

The Dream Factory - Fender Custom Shop (kniha v angličtině)

podobné produkty:

Rock Pop Folk Country Jazz Blues Bluegrass Metal Vážná hudba

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