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Nigel Tuffs: The Beginner Guitarist 4 (noty na kytaru)

Nigel Tuffs: The Beginner Guitarist 4 (noty na kytaru)

Expedice: Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů

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Noty na kytaru.

The Beginner Guitarist has been born out of 20 years of teaching experience. Although specifically designed as a teacher’s aid, it can also be used for independent study.

Topics like posture, tuningandphrasing are not prescribed, being left to the judgement of the teacher. With the exception of right and left-hand fingering advice, this approach is used throughout the series. The entire series has the goal of being ameasuredand progressive tutor. Ideas are usually introduced one at a time to avoid overloading the student.

Book Four builds on the ideas and techniques explored in the first three books. It begins withanextensive look at the key of A major, initially in second position but moving through other positions and finishing with an exercise in thirds and a duet.

The remainder focuses on triplets and compound time, beginningwithtriplet exercises in 2/4 before moving on to 6/8. The book then features swing rhythms before finishing with a Habanera, Renaissance pieces and a modern piece in multiple time signatures.

About the author:NigelTuffs is an instrumental teacher with more than 20 years of experience in all areas of guitar teaching. Originally a member of several rock bands he completed an honours degree at the Colchester Institute,specialising incomposition and performance, and has since worked extensively as a chamber musician, in guitar ensembles, as an accompanist and also as an educator.
DOSTUPNOST Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů
Katalogové číslo MUSCH79365
Aranžmá Noty na kytaru
Kód aranžmá GTR
Médium Hudebnina
Formát Škola hry na kytaru
Nakladatel Chester Music
ISBN 9781780384900

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Nigel Tuffs: The Beginner Guitarist 4 (noty na kytaru)

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