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Herbert L. Clarke Collection (noty na trubku, klavír)
  • Herbert L. Clarke Collection (noty na trubku, klavír)
  • Herbert L. Clarke Collection (noty na trubku, klavír)

Herbert L. Clarke Collection (noty na trubku, klavír)

Expedice: Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů

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Noty na trubku, klavír.

Herbert Lincoln Clarke is truly an icon in American music, considered by many to be the best and most famous cornet player of all time. His legacy of superior musicianship and the promulgation of the cornet as a means of musical expression are still evident today. His performance as a soloist for the famed Sousa and Gilmore bands as well as his recordings, methods and solo pieces are a lasting reminder of his musical genius. This collection is a tribute to the large contribution that Clarke made to the solo literature for cornet/trumpet. Arguably one of the finest musicians of his time and still celebrated as a powerful influence in the history of brass playing, Herbert L. Clarke represents a wonderful, bygone era when crowds would gather around a park gazebo and admire cornet soloists who could play almost anything with the dexterity and flair of a virtuoso violinist. Through his awe-inspiring playing - fortunately preserved on a number of early Edison recordings - and his numerous technical studies and compositions for solo cornet, he continues to have an enormous impact on brass playing in every generation that has followed. With this newly compiled volume, we now have a concise resource for all of Mr. Clarke's most popular cornet solos. Each piece offers the unique opportunity of focusing on virtually every technical aspect of cornet and trumpet playing in the span of one five-minute composition. The results are always fun, challenging, and growth-inspiring - the perfect combination of elements in any musical work. I look forward to using this new collection as a performer and a teacher and recommend it to all brass players who seek both to entertain their audiences and challenge themselves. -- Michael Sachs Principal Trumpet, The Cleveland Orchestra Head Trumpet Department, The Cleveland Institute of Music.
DOSTUPNOST Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů
Katalogové číslo CFWF44
Aranžmá Noty na trubku, klavír
Kód aranžmá TPT/PFA
Médium Hudebnina
Formát Trubkové album
Nakladatel Carl Fischer
Počet stran 160
ISBN 9780825856983

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Herbert L. Clarke Collection (noty na trubku, klavír)

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