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Herbert L. Clarke: My First Clarke (noty na trubku)
  • Herbert L. Clarke: My First Clarke (noty na trubku)
  • Herbert L. Clarke: My First Clarke (noty na trubku)

Herbert L. Clarke: My First Clarke (noty na trubku)

Expedice: Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů

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Noty na trubku.

Developing students are presented with the essential elements of H. L. Clarke's Techincal Studies for the Cornet in this clear and easy-tofollow introductory book. Editor Sean O'Loughlin has maintained the original musical and technical intent, but carefully adapted the materials for the young player. In particular, My First Clarke is organized by key signature rather than by the technical exercise. This approach better integrates the techniques of Clarke's studies by paralleling the usual progression of learning of the instrument. This is an excellent method to use with or without a teacher and is the logical next step after a beginning method. My First Clarke, along with the Technical Studies of the Cornet , now present a logical progression of trumpet study for young players all the way through to professional artistry. The method books of Herbert L. Clarke are part of the standard literature for the developing trumpet player. Written originally for the cornet, these studies have transitioned seamlessly to the modern trumpet. My First Clarke draws mostly from the Technical Studies book, with additional etudes and studies adapted from the Characteristic Studies. These exercises are carefully structured to build up strength and endurance without strain or injury to the embouchure. Clarke was a proponent of the lyrical side of the instrument. Playing these exercises softly were a cornerstone of his own development as a player. In beginning your journey with My First Clarke, remember some of his own words; "Always try to produce a musical tone from the very start.".
DOSTUPNOST Obvykle odesíláme do 5-10 pracovních dnů
Katalogové číslo CFWF92
Aranžmá Noty na trubku
Kód aranžmá TPT
Médium Hudebnina
Formát Škola hry na trubku
Nakladatel Carl Fischer
Počet stran 32
ISBN 9780825882128

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Herbert L. Clarke: My First Clarke (noty na trubku)

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